Blogging With WordPress – Expert Session

WordPress was initially a blogging software, even though it has grown to become a powerful CMS for any website, WordPress is still a favorite to bloggers.

This session will see expert bloggers taking you through different aspects of blogging.

 Content Writing on WordPress 

Since I started blogging, I have dedicated my time to studying the art of Content Writing.

I would like to approach my presentation by breaking down Content Writing into 3 key areas;

The hook: This is what keeps readers glued to your writing. It hints at what is to come. It needs to keep the adrenaline flowing.

The suspense: This is what keeps a reader reading. Like a good mystery novel, it is best to give your readers little bites of content and let them digest it.
The full circle moment: This is the call to action that ties in with the hook at the start.

Art of Successfully Starting and Managing a Blog

I will point out and expound on the challenges newbie bloggers face and give ways around those challenges for better results as bloggers.

Stop trying to become viral, become vital. Here’s how

Going viral has been the holy grail of content creators and we should realise that there is room for everyone, but not just at the top. There are several ways to become successful in content creation and it’s about time we explored them all. Let’s change the game.

Blogging for Influence: Shaping Cultures and Traditions

A-Z setup a WordPress blog, using your blog to influence cultures and traditions in Africa. Shaping ideologies of the western world about Africa and promoting your blog content with vital tools. Developing contents to drive business growth.

Creating a WordPress blog and generating content

The topic will cover how to start off by creating an idea for your blog based on one’s passions and interests, and it’ll delve into detail about creating content.

How to help create blog titles that are suitable for social media and help in generating readership for one’s blog. It will also look at repurposing content for dry days.
