A non-Tech Savvy blogger can Rank on Google Without Spending Money, nor building backlinks.

Ranking high on Google is what every blogger dreams for, and works towards. Organic traffic to your blog from Google, and other search engines, is the most reliable.

But we’ve been told that it does not come easy, nor cheap. That you have to spend hundreds of dollars on SEO tools, and more on getting valuable backlinks.

I am not coming to tell the audience that SEO tools and acquiring backlinks do not work. But I am coming to say (and prove) to them that it is possible to rank high on Google without the use of SEO tools and backlinks, or with very minimum use of them. And more importantly, you do not need to be an SEO expert.

I will take them a process (which I have tested) that can help them rank on Google. It is cheaper, and very friendly to people who are not tech-savvy.

I hope to get an opportunity to make this presentation.



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